Tappistry.org, a place where we are all woven of the same cloth.

Tappistry.org, a place where we are all woven of the same cloth.



An open forum dedicated to the art of Touchstyle guitar.


After some years in hiatus www.tappistry.org is live again!

As stated in the byline, Tappistry is an "open" forum, welcoming all those interested in Touchstyle and two-handed tapping techniques.  Reaching across the dividing lines between instruments and styles, Tappistry aims to build a supportive community of creative people interested in exploring and increasing awareness of this fun and innovative way of making music.

The forum is still in it's nascent stages, which makes it an exciting time for you get involved.

 Ask a question, make an observation, share an idea, and you will be shaping the way this community forms.

Photo was shamelessly pilfered form the web.  Check out: https://www.facebook.com/pages/E-Tap/165523653499530?sk=timeline   for more info on what these guys are up to.
